$10 Triple Tripler

Win Up To $100,000!

Triple Tripler

Reveal 2 like symbols in the same Game, win prize shown for that Game. Reveal a DBL symbol in any Game, win double the prize shown for the Game. Reveal a TRP symbol in any game, win triple the prize shown for that Game. Each Game plays separately.

$10 1 in 5.00
$20 1 in 7.50
$30 1 in 59.97
$50 1 in 201.32
$100 1 in 399.50
$300 1 in 1,493.06
$500 1 in 1,980.89
$1,000 1 in 2,422.16
$100,000 1 in 125,043.75
Overall Odds 1 in 2.78