$3 Word Games

Win Up To $30,000!

Word Games

Scratch all the YOUR LETTERS. Then scratch all the letters in GAME 1, GAME 2 and GAME 3 that exactly match YOUR LETTERS. Match all the letters in a WORD with the YOUR LETTERS, win prize shown for that WORD. Match all the letters in a word with a 2X symbol, win 2 times prize shown for that WORD. Match all the letters in a word with a 3X symbol, win 3 times prize shown for that WORD. In each GAME, every lettered square within an unbroken horizontal (left to right) sequence must be matched with the YOUR LETTERS to be considered a complete WORD. Words revealed in a vertical or diagonal sequence are not considered valid WORDS. Words within WORDS are not eligible for a prize. For example, “A” and “AND” within “CANDY” are not complete words.

$3 1 in 8.34
$5 1 in 20.00
$6 1 in 19.98
$9 1 in 50.00
$10 1 in 100.00
$20 1 in 100.00
$35 1 in 597.70
$70 1 in 1,491.94
$100 1 in 4,060.34
$350 1 in 5,796.99
$700 1 in 19,638.78
$30,000 1 in 120,287.50
Overall Odds 1 in 3.81