$2 Crazy 8s®

Win Up To $18,888!

Crazy 8s<sup>&#174;</sup>

Match any of "Your Numbers" to either "Winning Number," win prize shown for that number. Reveal the 8 symbol, win double the prize shown. Reveal the crazy symbol, win all 8 prizes shown.

$2 1 in 6.00
$4 1 in 25.01
$5 1 in 30.00
$10 1 in 75.00
$20 1 in 150.00
$40 1 in 956.59
$80 1 in 1,980.41
$240 1 in 6,316.81
$18,888 1 in 122,125.00
Overall Odds 1 in 3.82